In case you missed it, I posted about part 1 of the Funky Lunch workshop here. The usual FunkyLunch workshop is set up as an all day event. We did it a little differently and split it into two parts. Part one was fruits, veg, bread tasting and I gave a demo.The students then had classroom time to design their Funky Faces. Part 2 of the workshop was the Creative Workshop and all of the children had the chance to make their designs.
This is my daughter's kitty cat creation. It's supposed to be an angry cat. Why is he angry? I have no idea!
For the purpose of the workshop we did not make sandwiches, each child was given a slice (or two if they needed) of bread to use. If these were for lunch packing then the starting point would be to make the main part into an actual sandwich and then just decorate from there. Most of the children ate their creations at the end. If you are making any of these for travelling in a lunch box you would want to use something to "glue" the features on. You can use nut butters, nut-free seed butters, honey, butter, mayo etc.
Here are some of the children's creations:
It was a fabulous afternoon! Thankfully there were several other Mom volunteers who came out and helped with prep work. I went grocery shopping in the morning so that all of the produce would be as fresh as possible. When I came home it took my Husband, Mom and I a solid hour to wash everything! The location that we were using for the workshop at school was pretty far away from a good produce washing area so it made sense to have it all washed and ready to go before the prep. time. It still took all of the Moms a full hour to get the trays made up as there was quite a lot of peeling and chopping involved to make 14 trays for 116 students to share.
Here are some of the creations next to their design plan. I just loved this sailfish! What a great idea and execution. I believe he was 6 or 7.
These are the items that we had available for the students to use and snack on.
Honey Wheat bread or Glutino Gluten Free Tapioca bread, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, red, yellow, green & orange bell peppers, scallions, green and red leafy lettuce, broccoli sprouts, red & green grapes, raisins, muenster cheese & cheddar cheese. I am pleased to report that there was a lot of snacking and most of the veggies were consumed! In any future workshops I think I have a better idea of how much is needed and I can cut back some of the quantities slightly as we did end up with a few extra items.
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If you are planning your own funky lunch workshop I also recommend these items. I will add these next time as they are the most requested cutters during the workshop.